Since the State of Illinois switched to offering the SAT during a school day, we’ve had more people asking about the differences between the two tests. Parents are probably more familiar with the ACT since it’s probably the test you took in high school (especially if you grew up in the mid-west. ACT is based […]
In Test Prep
ACT and SAT Schedules
Both the ACT and SAT are administered 7 Saturdays each year. The schedules coincide with the school year. ACT starts in September and SAT starts in August. See the attached pdf’s for test dates, registration deadlines and late registration time frames. 2018-2019 ACT schedule 2018-2019 SAT schedule
In Test Prep
Math Formulas for Test Prep
Hi Everyone! Here is a list of math formulas that can appear on the ACT and SAT. I know that the SAT gives you formulas, but they don’t give you all the formulas you may need. It’s a good idea to make sure you know all of these. I suggest you memorize one group every […]